Vom 21.09.-28.09.2009 findet die Internationale Woche des Babytragens weltweit statt.Aus diesem Grund haben wir die Preise von allen Huckepack Babytragen,Stochenwiege,Grameen und Hoppediz Tragetuecher um 10% reduziert.Des weiteren verlosen wir einen Huckepack Mei Tai mit ihrem Wunschdesign unter allen Bestellern einer Trage in dieser Woche.Der Gewinner wird am 29.09.2009 bekannt gegeben.
In the week from the 21.09.-28.09.2009,there is the International Babywearing Week,which is celebrated worldwide.Because of this,we give a 10% discount on all Huckeback carriers,Storchenwiege,Grameen and Hoppediz wraps.We also will draw a Huckepack Mei Tai,with the design of your choice,between all buyers of a carrier in this week.The winner will be announced on the 29.09.2009.

In the week from the 21.09.-28.09.2009,there is the International Babywearing Week,which is celebrated worldwide.Because of this,we give a 10% discount on all Huckeback carriers,Storchenwiege,Grameen and Hoppediz wraps.We also will draw a Huckepack Mei Tai,with the design of your choice,between all buyers of a carrier in this week.The winner will be announced on the 29.09.2009.

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