Dieser Schmuck wird in liebevoller Handarbeit von einer Frau in Israel hergestellt.Sie koennen diesen Schmuck ueber meinen Internetshop www.baby-roo.com erwerben.Der Schmuck ist individualisierbar,Anfertigungen nach ihren Wuenschen nehme ich gerne entgegen.
These jewels are made in affectionated handcraft by a woman who is living in Israel.You can purchase these jewels through my internetshop www.baby-roo.com.The jewel can be individualized,productions according to your wishes I receive gladly.

These jewels are made in affectionated handcraft by a woman who is living in Israel.You can purchase these jewels through my internetshop www.baby-roo.com.The jewel can be individualized,productions according to your wishes I receive gladly.

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