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Huckepack Half Buckle

Huckepack Half Buckle
Panel:Girasol Viola
Headsupport:Girasol Turmalin/pink cord
Straps/hipbelt:Girasol Turmalin/pink cord

Huckepack Half Buckle
Panel:Girasol Turmalin
Headsupport:Girasol Turmalin/petrol cord
Straps/hipbelt:Girasol Turmalin/petrol cord

Huckepack Half Buckle
Panel:Girasol Boy&Girl
Headsupport:Girasol Boy&Girl/nature cord
Straps/hipbelt:Girasol Boy&Girl/nature cord

Huckepack Half Buckle
Panel:Girasol Nr.25
Headsupport:Girasol Nr.25/purple cord
Straps/hipbelt:Girasol Nr.25/purple cord

Huckepack Half Buckle
Panel:Girasol Sandrose
Headsupport:Girasol Sandrose/nature cord
Straps/hipbelt:Girasol Sandrose/nature cord

Huckepack Half Buckle
Panel:Colimacon green
Headsupport:green cord/nature cord
Straps/hipbelt:green cord/nature cord

Huckepack Half Buckle
Panel:Girasol Turmalin
Headsupport:Girasol Turmalin/acquamarin cord
Straps/hipbelt:acquamarine cord

Huckepack Half Buckle
Panel:Girasol Nr.25
Headsupport:Girasol Nr.25/purple cord
Straps/hipbelt:Girasol Nr.25/purple cord

Huckepack Half Buckle
Panel:Colimacon purple
Headsupport:Girasol Nr.26/red cord
Straps/hipbelt:Girasol Nr.26/red cord

Huckepack Half Buckle
Panel:Girasol Boy&Girl
Headsupport:Girasol Boy&Girl/jeans blue cord
Straps/hipbelt:Girasol Boy&Girl/jeans blue cord

Huckepack Half Buckle
Panel:Girasol Boy&Girl
Headsupport:Girasol Boy&Girl/kiwi cord
Straps/hipbelt:Girasol Boy&Girl/kiwi cord

Huckepack Half Buckle
Panel:Colimacon green
Headsupport:green cord/nature cord
Straps/hipbelt:green cord/nature cord


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