Wir haben 2 neue Huckepack Onbuhimos in Medium
für Euch.Beide Tragen wurden aus dem Girasol Tragetuchstoff Totonicapan
genäht.Einmal wurde unsere pinker Cordstoff damit kombiniert und das
andere Mal unserer lila Tragetuchstoff.Beide Tragen findet ihr jetzt bei
uns im Shop
We have 2 new Huckepack Onbuhimos in medium for you. Both were made from the Girasol wrap fabric Totonicapan. Once, our pink cord was combined with the Girasol and the other time our purple wrap fabric was used. You can find both carriers in our shop now:
We have 2 new Huckepack Onbuhimos in medium for you. Both were made from the Girasol wrap fabric Totonicapan. Once, our pink cord was combined with the Girasol and the other time our purple wrap fabric was used. You can find both carriers in our shop now:
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