Ein weiterer Huckepack Onbuhimo im Wunschdesign ist fertigt. Das
Panel, sowie der Streifen auf der Kopfstütze wurden aus dem Girasol
Turmalin genäht. Die Träger sind aus dem dunkelblauen Köperstoff.
Another custommade Huckepack Onbuhimo is finished. The panel, as well as the stripe on the headsupport were made from the Girasol Turmalin. The straps were made from the dark blue twill.
Another custommade Huckepack Onbuhimo is finished. The panel, as well as the stripe on the headsupport were made from the Girasol Turmalin. The straps were made from the dark blue twill.
Huckepack Onbuhimo made from the Girasol Turmalin. |
Huckepack Onbuhimo made from the Girasol Turmalin. |
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